Someday Summary | Saturday
Saturday, March 14, 2015It has been a VERY long time, I'm aware. It's not my fault though. School can be very hard sometimes and puts a lot of pressure - too much, I must say - on me. But I'm baaack :).
You don't even know how much I would love to update my blog more frequently, but it's impossible these days. I have tonnes and tonnes of ideas for my blog - I lately wrote down on my agenda all the things I'd like to write about and, trust me, they are a lot!
In this blog post I thought I would share with you some things that recently happened in my life, just to update you and basically because I felt like chatting with you lot.
This is supposed to be like a "Saturday Summary" type of post I really hope you'll enjoy reading. I don't know whether this will be a regular thing on my blog or not, but let me know if you think it should be :).
♥ I came back home one week ago from a school trip to Sardinia. I can maybe consider it as one of the best I've ever went on so far. Had so so much fun, took loads and loads of pictures I desperately want to share with you, so perhaps a blog post about it will be the next one!
♥ The day right before leaving for Sardinia, I got a new haircut that I have wanted to get for so long. I'll post some pictures of my new hairstyle at the end if you are curious to see how I look now - not that there's a big transformation at all.
♥ This afternoon, after school, I had lunch with a bunch of lovely friends and then we went to my friend Martina's, as we had to make a sketch for our acting class. I basically had the best and worst laugh hahaha. I love them. :)
♥ At the moment, I'm really enjoying Taylor Swift's " The story of us". I know it's not her latest song, but I just do love it anyway.

Have a nice Saturday Evening!