Lovely pictures & little update | Serena

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Hello everybody & welcome back to my little spot on the Internet! 

Not going to lie, it does feel strange to be back writing on this amazing platform. There's something about writing on this blog that really pleases me and, on the other hand, relaxes me. That's why I never want to force myself with deadlines and pressure with this blog. This is MY SPOT, where I can talk about whatever I want, how I want to. 

I know I haven't posted in a really long time and I would be able to make a very long list of reasons behind it. But this is a happy place, where I'd like - and need - to share positivity only, despite what I might be going through. 

In today's post, I thought I would share a few things that I've done recently that i felt like needed to be included on my blog - with a few lovely pictures i took yesterday too! 

Christmas is nearly here and I COULDN'T BE MORE EXCITED. I don't think I have thoroughly enjoyed December this year and don't feel christmassy whatsoever, but  i'm looking forward to this special occasion to spend with my family and friends. 

I'm also in a short film! To be fair, it does sound more exciting than it actually is haha. My classmates and I collaborated in the process of producing, filming and acting in a short film. I didn't have a big, important role, but I'm impressed about how it turned out and very proud of it - PLUS, I did everyone' s make up for the movie :). 

Here you are a few pictures I thought I'd let you see. On a side note, I would like to point out that have been rather busy and haven't slept much lately - hence why my dark circles and worn-out look you might notice. 


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