My 2015 Anti-Bucket List
Tuesday, January 05, 2016"This is the new year the new you. You can pass through another year, coasting on cruise control. Or you can step out of your comfort zone, trying things you have never done before, & make this year as the year that you elevate from where you are & soar high. Make it happen!"
"As the year comes to a close, it is a time for reflection – a time to release old thoughts and beliefs and forgive old hurts. Whatever has happened in the past year, the New Year brings fresh beginnings. Exciting new experiences and relationships await. Let us be thankful for the blessings of the past and the promise of the future."
"We incessantly vacillate between what’s behind us and what’s before us depending on the current barometer of our courage and the ambivalent nature of our vision."
2015 came and went. People came into my life and changed it. I came into people's and tried to affect their lives in a good way. I made mistakes, I paid the price, I learnt my lessons. I grew up, but I sometimes did silly stuff and became more mature at the same time.
I reckon this is life - sometimes it's great and everything goes absolutely perfect, other times it is just sad and though to handle, isn't it?
I like to think that whatever you do in your life, everyday is a new day and you can wake up as someone new. You can change, improve yourself and your life - and others' life as well.
A lot of people, at the beginning of a new year, like to make resolutions and narrow down the goals they want to achieve by the end of the next one. I guess it's important to set yourself some goals and be motivated, but this year, rather than writing down all the things I want to do in the future or I should have already done, I want to congratulate myself on the tiny little things I did achieve throughout 2015, even if that means blowing your own trumpet.
You can do it, sometimes.
You have to - if you don't appreciate what YOU do, who will?
After reading a lot of similar posts - among which Olivia's and Emma's who are my absolute favourites - I decided to narrow down and tell you a few things that I did in 2015 that make me feel proud of myself or simply just happier.
Don't expect crazy, big events, but essentially those few little things that seem SUCH a big deal for a normal, shy 16-year-old girl.
♡ I tried to enjoy life more and laugh about everything;
♡ In May, I attended a youtube convention called Itatube, therefore I had the chance to meet amazing people such as Chai Cameron, Niki & Sammy, Emma Blackery, Bethan Leadley, Sam King.
♡ I did a lot of travelling, for instance going to Germany with my dad in June.
♡ I took the plane for the first time in my entire life, which for some of you might sound so normal but it wasn't so for me, being very anxious and simply because I had never done it.
♡ I decided and managed to "just say yes to a lot more things I wouldn't normally say yes to". I'd actually set this as a resolution for 2015 and the main thing I nodded to this year was travelling on my own to the best place I've ever visited, Brighton. I talked about this whole experience here, where you can find snaps of the journey and stuff. For me, it was such a step forward. I in fact pushed myself a little bit more. I thought there was nothing holding me back, so I did it, I met amazing people, I went on a lot of adventures, I discovered new things and a new culture. Now I can say there wasn't anything holding me back indeed.
Which are your new years resolutions for 2016? Moreover, what do you think you achieved in 2015?
Thank you very much for reading this blog and supporting me, whether you don't miss a post of mine or this is the first one you have ever read. It means the world to me.
All my love, Serena.